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Oh yeah I was meant to give an upadate oops


So regarding my college results, I got in!!! The uni I applied to isn't anything special, but a degree's a degree at the end of the day.

I'm still pretty scared of the future, though. Don't get me wrong, I love learning, but I'm not fully sure how well this will help me with getting a job and stuff. At least I'm hoping at going into the IT industry, which even if I don't work for a big company (which I would HATE, the corporate culture of most big tech firms goes completely against what I believe in), I would always be able to find something somewhere, since every job requires computers nowadays. I actually got to double-check my application details, which let me choose my preferred name and pronouns, which was exciting. When I was applying to uni I initially just set it as the same as my deadname since I wasn't as confident with my identity at the time, so I'm really relieved that I could set that up without needing to call or clarify or anything, which is nice. I'm also really grateful that I won't have to consider whether I use my deadname or my real name when introducing myself, I can just... be August, like 99% of the time (sadly I still have to use my deadname in places, but that's just because Poland's name changing laws suck.). Soooo yeah, that's all I can really think of at the moment.