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I don't know what to call this one


It's been a little whitle since I came back to update the site, but I found a couple more buttons I liked on tumblr so I decided to add them here and write a little update as to how my life's doing. I don't know if anyone actually reads these but I will in the future, so my future self whill know what I've been up to!

Honestly, I haven't been up to much yet, but that's sort of just the point of life I'm in. I've finished my sixth form courses ages ago now, and now I'm just waiting for results day in August. I probably got the grades I need for uni, so I'm not worried about that, more so about whether I'll be able to adjust to the change once it hits. My social anxiety is still pretty bad but I'm taking attempts at solving that issue a bit before I start, but more on that later.

I thought I'd be able to spend time writing the original novel I'm working on, but instead I started a bunch of new ones. Ah well, it's not like I'm in any rush. I don't know how many I'll finish, but lately I've been messing around in twine for an idea for an IF game, as well as a few fics. Even if I don't finish them, I at least managed to flex my writing muscles a bit through planning them out. Planning my fics can be a bit of a double-edged tool though, as I find that while being able to write out my ideas can help me bridge gaps I haven't thought of initally and serving as a guide for when I actually write the thing, but I find that once I finish them my brain's like "Oh, I finished something! Break time!" And I lose my motivation. I guess I could just go in head-first, it's not like my plans are super detailed or anything, but that's a bit scary.

The last main thing I did recently is I signed up to volunteer at a local museum. I don't want to share to many of the details for the sake of privacy, but the role requires I interact with a lot of people, which is a bit scary but also great because it forces me out of my comfort zone a bit. I know uni is a good time for meeting new people and making lifelong friends and stuff, and I don't want to lose out on that opportunity by being a socially anxious withdrawn piece of shit. As much as I enjoyed sixth form, that's who I was for most of it and it sucked.

That's it for now, I suppose. I feel myself getting into the writing flow so I'm gonna go and work on those fics a bit more now.